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We know you will get so much out of our course that we are offering you the chance to check it out for a week FREE.

Crazy I know but we genuinely want to help -  and something that we have learnt over the years is that so many of those suffering with anxiety have tried so many different things and they have helped a little here and worked a bit there but nothing has left them feeling empowered, hopeful and armed with the tools to break free from their anxiety.

So the best way we can show you this course is worth the investment is to let you decide.

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Wellness Mindset Mastery Free Week Offer


What would life be like if you could change your mindset and way of life?

Most people try to avoid or manage their ANXIETY hoping it will just get better over time. This course is not about management.  

I am so happy to have you on board with us. 

You are about to start a very powerful series, and will learn so much. These strategies will be with you for a lifetime. 
This 'Wellness Mindset Mastery' was originally made as a series of webinars recorded live. Then we turned them into bit sized parts so easier to digest and take the new strategies on board.
The original videos are available in the last section and contain people's questions they asked as they went along. I encourage you to watch these extra videos as there is more to get out of them. 
I would love you to share with me your insights as you go along with this course via comments or email. I also want to encourage you to take notes and do the exercises as you go  in the workbook provided to embody what you have learnt in everyday life.
The feedback I receive from people doing this course has been outstanding. 
Your very FIRST module  is called the Wellness Shift - I believe it is the most important, as it sets a very powerful foundation, framework and will help you to shift your mindset. I am happy you are about to experience it.

What you'll get:

  • Every Week is jam packed with  insights and exercises. You can either power through the week or take your time, really embody the strategies.
  • A downloadable workbook to use alongside the course.
  • Access to the original videos of the first launch - which has people's live questions answered.
  • Email support along the way and to keep you motivated when you need it. 

What are you waiting for let's get started!!


What People Are Saying:

Hey there well in to week 4 of the course it’s been amazing!! it opens your eyes and you get to understand what is really going on . I have had anxiety for about 7 years and spent thousands on help and nothing worked and if you go to the gp medication is all they offer but this course lets you understand what is really going on and how to look at things. I have needed a bit of extra help along the way and when I have emailed help was right there and I also did a zoom with Dov to address a specific problem too . Since starting I am not overthinking anymore and don’t have the worry I did. I have been doing a lot of the tools that I have been given as well I am really excited this week because the home work I have is something that I need to do and it will help me lots . Best course and worth the money as well . But you do have to be ready to make a change as well . Thanks so much Kristie


My wife finally confessed today that this last month I have been someone completely different. Better with work pressure, better with her and better with my son. nothing phases me like it use too. I am able to feel the energy of anxiety and break it down...this is even before I watched week 7 module....every situation in life I am less reactive.


I've just finished watching week 2 videos and the bonus video, wow, the breathing question, so helpful, loved it!! It's something that bothers me sooo much, breathing and not doing it right (as a therapist once said), but now I feel relieved about it and confident.


Dov, thanks so much for the insights it was really positive and inspiring for me and I can already see a difference in my mindset. It made me take a step back and realize root causes of why I am feeling the way I do and what I can do to change it. Looking so forward to the next 12 weeks.
