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Wellness Mindset Mastery Course

What would life be like if you could change your mindset and way of life?

Most people try to avoid or manage their ANXIETY hoping it will just get better over time. This course is not about management.  

I am so happy to have you on board with us. 

You are about to start a very powerful series, and will learn so much. These strategies will be with you for a lifetime. 

Wellness Mindset Mastery was originally filmed as a live webinar series over 12 weeks but then people said how much they got from it. We decided we could help more people rid themselves of this debilitating unwanted feeling. People we would normally turn away as they lived outside of NZ, we could now help.

We re-filmed it,  turned it into a full course, breaking down each week and deep diving into each section. Plus we included all the original full live webinars as a bonus too.

Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to simply follow the videos and exercises for each section now it has been broken down into bite size!

The feedback I receive from people doing this course has been outstanding. 
Your very FIRST module  is called the Wellness Shift - I believe it is the most important, as it sets a very powerful foundation, framework and will help you to shift your mindset. I am happy you are about to experience it.

What you'll get:

  • Every Week is jam packed with  insights and exercises. You can either power through the week or take your time, really embody the strategies.
  • A downloadable workbook to use alongside the course.
  • Access to the original videos of the first launch - which has people's live questions answered.
  • Email support along the way when you need help and also to keep you motivated/accountable if you need it. 
  • Access to Zoom with Dov if you need to address a specific issue.

What are you waiting for let's get started!!

**If you would like to break the payment into 3 parts of $240 each month. Use the link Here to sign up.

*** or pay weekly $60 Email us to arrange

What People Are Saying:

Hi Dov. I thought I would touch base with you about how I'm doing at the moment. Only been 5 days into this journey for me and I can tell you now I have never felt so good in a very long time so thank you. I am able to sleep better and not be waking up 3-4 times a night and even going to sleep is no longer a hassle. Small steps for me and I'm noticing little changes everyday. Even to the point I'm no longer wanting to stay in bed and hide away from the world. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.


Hi Dov and team, I've watched the first week videos. Very much enjoyed them. I definitely intend to practice the wellness shift every day as I can see how helpful it will become :). I had a kind of 'super girl' feeling for a few seconds :)


Hey there well in to week 4 of the course it’s been amazing it opens your eyes and you get to understand what is really going on . I have had anxiety for about 7 years and spent thousands on help and nothing worked and if you go to the gp medication is all they offer. This course lets you understand what is really going on and how to look at things. I have needed a bit of extra help along the way and I have had email help and also help by zoom too. Since starting I am not overthinking anymore and don’t have the worry I did! I have been doing a lot of the tools I have been given. As well I am really excited this week because the home work I have is something that I need to do and it will help me lots . Best course and worth the money as well . But you do have to be ready to make a change as well . Thanks so much Kristie


My wife finally confessed today that this last month I have been a completely different person. Better with work pressure, better with her and better with my son. Nothing phases me like it use too. I am able break it down, focus differently. (this is even before I watched week 7 Module). Every situation in my life, I am able to step back and be less reactive and say my peace to others. I feel more at peace and any worrying situation I can overcome in a heart beat.


Thank You Dov. I finished week 6 so far. Each installation is full of insights!!


When you asked what are we focused on halfway through this video, I quickly became tearful, my scalp became tight and tingly, and I felt locked up and sad. I paused the video and let the moment happen. When it settled, I was interested in my response and went straight to the triangle exercise. It helped me identify my 'loss' with the idea of the course ending . I will use the triangle to change my mindset focus to that of 'gain'. As I have gained so much from this course, and will continue to with your teachings. Thanks Dov


I just wanted to give you an update about how I have been going. My recovery has been great and as of about a week ago I am now managing to walk around with out any walking aids and having very minimal pain! Was an amazing feeling going back to the hospital today to return my crutches, last time I was there I had to get a wheelchair out and it felt empowering to walk through! I have also managed to stay in an amazing head space throughout this time. I did have a blip which I put down to cabin fever but was able to quickly pull myself out with the techniques I had learnt through doing the course. I'm immensely proud of how I have coped both physically and mentally and I really could not put into words how thankful I am.


12 weeks went by quickly (too quickly for my liking) and I had transformed into a totally new person. Not only did you help me with my anxiety, but you also helped me learn a lot about myself and made me realise I was capable of so much more than I ever imagined. Your constant positivity was infectious and I think that was one particular part of the sessions that I took away with me (amongst a lot of other things). Like you, I now strive to always think positively no matter what situation i’m in.
